
ViewList<T> Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ViewList<T>.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorViewList<T> ConstructorConstructor. Creates a new instance of ViewList<T>.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllocatedItemsReturns items in the collection that have been allocated so far.  
Public PropertyCountReturns the number of items in the collection.  
Public PropertyIsReadOnlyIndicates whether the collection is read-only.  
Public PropertyItemReturns the item at the specified index.  
Public PropertySourceItemsGets or sets the source items collection.  
Public Methods
Public MethodContainsIndicates whether the specified item is in the collection.  
Public MethodCopyToCopies items from this collection to the specified array.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorReturns the enumerator for enumerating items in the collection.  
Public MethodIndexOfReturns the index of the specified item in the collection.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnCollectionChangedCalled to raise CollectionChanged notification as well as notify property change listeners added via ISupportPropertyChangeNotifications interface.  
Public Events
Public EventCollectionChangedRaised when the collection's contents change.  
See Also